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🚚 Welcome to Ma Lunch Box | 🛍 Free delivery from 50th | 📞 09 74 76 99 50
Pourquoi votre enfant ne vide pas sa Lunch Box ?

Why doesn't your child empty his Lunch Box?

The kid who always comes home with a full lunchbox...
I think every parent is probably familiar with this situation.

It can be quite disheartening to see that you've gone to the trouble of preparing a meal and it all comes home.

The occasional Lunch Box coming home isn't really a problem, but if it happens every day, you should be concerned . Let's look at some scenarios as to why this can happen...

You carry too much food

For small children, a packed Lunch Box is truly overwhelming . If there seems to be more food than they can handle, chances are they will reject it outright. Try putting in less (maybe a lot less than what you're putting in now) and they might eat more.

Too many unknown foods

We may have the ambition to send our children to school with very healthy meals , but if they are not foods that they have already seen and eaten at home, it is unlikely that suddenly eat them at school. Limit new foods to token amounts and remember to model them and expose them to a wide variety of foods at home.

Too hard to eat

Do you have containers with lids that your child cannot open? Does your child need their fruit cut? Maybe he doesn't like to handle wet foods like watermelon? Could you use a food pick or mini fork to help? Sometimes gently exploring the problem with your child can help you identify obstacles that can be easily resolved.

Aesthetics is also very important, if the meal does not make you want your children to have a hard time finishing it. Using lunch boxes is also a good idea. it will instantly make your child's meal more appealing!

On our MaLunchBox website we offer a wide range of Lunch boxes site

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On MaLunchBox you can for example discover its magnificent wooden Lunch Boxes drink

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Or its beautiful stainless steel Lunch Boxes stainless steel

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The food environment

this is a significant barrier. Eating at school is not the same as eating at home. Children of primary school age will almost always prioritize play and the company of friends over meals. Most schools schedule "meal time" before recess begins, but I know many children who can talk during this time without eating anything . Many elementary schools would probably benefit from allocating play time before meal time, but we are not there yet. By keeping your lunches simple, quick, and easy to eat , your child will be more likely to eat during scheduled meal times.


It is not uncommon for children to feel anxious at school , which tends to reduce their appetite. This is especially true if they are starting school or at the start of a new school year. Try not to force them to eat their meal, as this will only make the situation worse. Give him time to adjust and accept that he eats less for a while. Packing fewer foods and focusing on easy-to-eat favorite foods can help.

Sensory issues

Many children have sensory issues that make eating in the school environment particularly challenging. The environment is often too noisy, too chaotic, the smell of other children's food is too strong , or the chairs and tables are not at the right height and do not provide adequate support. If this is the case for your child, an assessment by an occupational therapist could help you resolve some of these issues.

Whatever your child's reason for bringing home a full lunch box, chances are he'll be hungry after school . Having a healthy snack ready to go will be a priority. I like to offer smoothies right after school. The combination of fruit, seeds, possibly a cereal like oats, and high-protein milk means you'll be providing a combination of nutrients that will fuel their after-school activities and keep them full (but not too full!) until dinner. Our mugs will keep your smoothie cold for at least 6 hours or more. Whip up a smoothie for school pickup and you'll have happy kids on your hands when they see you at the school gate.


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